讲座名称: “人口与社会政策大讲堂”第二十九期
讲座时间:2017年7月7日星期五 上午9:00——11:30
讲座题目一:Good Governance
讲座题目二:Gender Innovations in Science and Technology Research:(2) Case Studies
郑用德(Yong Duck Jung)博士,韩国社会科学协会会长,首尔大学行政大学院教授。曾任汉城大学董事会董事,韩国公共行政学会主席,日本政治学研究会执行委员等学术机构成员。郑教授的教学和研究课题包括公共行政理论和哲学,比较国家机构和政策能力,治理和公共领导,他担任多个学术期刊编委,也为多个公共组织做政策咨询。郑教授撰写和主编了一系列专著,如现代国家公共行政,韩国和日本的国家机器,美国和韩国的共同治理等。
National development is achieved by improving national capacities, which require appropriate roles of the state and its public policy and administration (PPA). In order to conduct the appropriate roles, the state and its PPA need to be innovated for improving their capabilities by adopting the ideas of ‘governance’ as a reform model. I this special lecture, I will introduce the students (1) key concepts and theories of governance, and (2) demonstrate how to evaluate the state of the art in terms of ‘good’ governance, taking the Korean case as an example.
朴喜映(Hee Young Paik)博士,韩国妇女科技协会联合会(KOFWST)韩国创意研究中心主任,首尔国立大学名誉教授。朴博士从美国马萨诸塞州波士顿的哈佛公共卫生学院获得营养科学博士学位。获得博士学位后,她曾在Sookmyung妇女大学担任教职,然后在韩国首尔国立大学工作至2016年2月。她曾在各种组织工作,其中包括担任2013年韩国家庭经济协会主席,2015年韩国营养协会主席,以及2014-2016年韩国妇女科技协会联合会主席。2002年至2005年间,她担任韩国DRI委员会的主席,新制定韩国饮食参考摄入量标准。2005年至2009年,任IUNS理事会成员,获得“科学优秀研究奖”(2005),“国家科学高科技荣誉”(2008年),“亚太临床营养奖”(2009年),“蓝色”丝带国家公共服务奖章(2012)。2009-2011年朴教授担任了大韩民国两性平等与家庭部部长。
Gendered innovations in science and technology research in Korea have been led by the Korea Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations (KOFWST). Short-term pilot project was published in early 2014, with 7 cases studies. Since then, members of KOFWST worked actively to expand the concepts and methods in more diverse topics in S&T. Gender Summit 6 – Asia Pacific 2015 was held in August 2015, in Seoul Korea was a good opportunity to increase the visibility and public awareness of the importance of gender consideration in S&T research. This in turn drew political attentions necessary to establish the Center for Gendered Innovations in Science and Technology Research (GISTR) and launching of GI Project funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea in 2016. Processes and cases developed by KOFWST research team will be presented.